Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Management Skills for Products and Services - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theManagement Skills for Products and Services. Answer: Introduction: Millennials are referred to as the demographic cohort following Generation X. The cohort is usually deemed to begin in the early 1980s and end in the late 1990s. Mellennials are considered to have grown up in a socially- networked and electronics- filled world. They are considered to be the most ethnically diverse generation, which gives more importance to job satisfaction than just monetary benefits (Espinoza and Ukleja 2016). They are not like the previous generations and do not prefer working in unpleasant work environment and use social media excessively. They are more influenced by their friends than the marketing in case of purchasing products and services or considering employment. They have grown up with technology and are more internet and computer friendly. Best ways to motivate and monitor the performance of Millennial to make them effective in teams, where not all the members are Millennial: The following are the ways in which the Millennials can be motivated to make them effective in teams, where all the members are not Millenials: Management by objective: Millennials can be highly efficient and productive when they are properly guided and motivated. The basic characteristics of millennials involve limitless thinking, high expectations, tech savvy and social conscience. Although these people do not prefer excessive interference of the management in their daily activities but appreciate obtaining regular feedback regarding their performance (Circella et al. 2017). They give more importance to social recognition than to monetary rewards. They expect the management to be clear regarding their expectations from them. Connecting work with a higher purpose: The millennials are considered to be both jaded and optimistic. The millennials do not prefer their job to be a mere money making process however; they desire to be well- compensated. It is necessary to make the millennials understand the link between the tasks provided to them with the organizational objectives. It is necessary for the organizations to show deeper global dynamics to the millennials in order to motivate them in diversified work culture (Fry 2016). Leveraging the ability of the millennials to connect with the world: The millennials are smart people, who interact with people around the world through social networking websites. This nature can help them easily interact with the other team members, who are not millennials (Gorczyca and Hartman 2017). However, the management plays an important role in this process as it assists the millennials in adjusting with the work environment. Showing interest in their long- term career growth: It is necessary to provide the millennials with job security in order to keep them loyal towards the organization. The millennials work more effectively in diverse teams only when they are ensured that the management is interested in their career planning and growth (Eastman et al. 2014). Conducting regular meetings: It is necessary to conduct regular meetings and listen to the millennials carefully. The meetings must encourage the team members to develop cordial relationships with each other. Due to difference in the thinking and style of working, there are always high chances of issues arising in the teams comprising of both millennials and non- millennials. Therefore, regular meetings must be held to solve the issues and motivate the millennials to work in coordination with the other team members. Strengths that Millennial will need to be successful in their future careers: The following are the strengths that the millennials shall require to be successful in their careers: Identifying talents: It is necessary for the millennials to identify their talents and realize the areas in which they are good. This shall enable them to contribute their best efforts in their workplace. The millennials lay more emphasis upon job satisfaction rather than mere monetary benefits, which makes it essential for the millennials to choose a job role which best suits them. The millennials are required to identify their strengths and talents so that they can choose the career in which they can be successful in the long- run (Kultalahti and Liisa Viitala 2014). Innovative skills: The millennials are highly innovative and the rapid changes in the business environment require innovative ideas. Strengthening the innovative skills of the millennials shall enable them to become successful in their careers (Dimova 2015). Improve technological skills: A majority of the organizations nowadays are completely dependent upon technology. Therefore, it is necessary for the millennials to improve their technological skills to be successful in their careers. Investing in their talents: The millennials must be continuously involved in improving their knowledge, skills and experience so that they can apply their strengths in the organizational productivity (Rowe 2017). They must take opportunity to enhance their strengths and accept challenges so that they can be successful in their long- term career. Leveraging their skills and talents: It is not only important to identify skills but it is also necessary to leverage the skills for the career development. It is necessary to apply the strengths according to the requirement of the organization. Changes that would make it more effective in enhancing the strengths of the millennials: The following are the changes through which an organization can enhance the strengths of the millennials: Empower millennials: The organizations must provide greater responsibilities to the millennials and involve them in the decision- making process. The organizations must empower the millennials in order to enhance the strengths of the millennials. Leveraging the team power: The organizations must emphasize more upon the power of the teams and ensure involvement of all the team members especially the millennials in order to enhance their skills and abilities. Providing workplace flexibility: Flexible workplace helps in enhancing the strengths of the millennials. The millennials have grown up in a world of technology where work can be done from anywhere and at any time. The millennials desire work- life integration, which is possible only when there is flexibility in the workplace (Ertas 2016). Providing proper training and listening to them: Providing proper training to the millennials helps them in improving their skills and abilities and improving their performance. It is necessary to listen to the ideas, thoughts and grievances of the millennials in order to improve their efficiency. Motivating: The millennials emphasize more upon the social recognition and non- monetary rewards rather than on monetary incentives. Therefore, the organizations must motivate the millennials in order to improve their strengths and efficiency. Recognizing the contributions of the millennials is very important in enhancing their strengths (Dimova 2015). Conclusion: The millennials are those people who have grown up in a world of technology and they desire work- life integration. This is possible only when there is flexibility in the workplace. Strengthening the innovative and technological skills of the millennials shall enable them to become successful in their careers. It is necessary to recognize the talents of the millennials and motivate them in order to improve their strengths both individually and as member of a team, which helps in improving the overall organizational performance. References: Circella, G., Alemi, F., Berliner, R., Tiedeman, K., Lee, Y., Fulton, L., Handy, S. and Mokhtarian, P.L., 2017. The Multimodal Behavior of Millennials: Exploring Differences in Travel Choices between 1 Young Adults and Gen Xers in California 2 (No. 17-06827). Dimova, L., 2015. Millennials travel motivation and desired activities within a destination: a comparative study of America and the United Kingdom (Doctoral dissertation). Eastman, J.K., Iyer, R., Liao-Troth, S., Williams, D.F. and Griffin, M., 2014. The role of involvement on millennials' mobile technology behaviors: The moderating impact of status consumption, innovation, and opinion leadership. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(4), pp.455-470. Ertas, N., 2016. Millennials and volunteering: Sector differences and implications for public service motivation theory. Public Administration Quarterly, 40(3), p.517. Espinoza, C. and Ukleja, M., 2016. Managing the Millennials: Discover the core competencies for managing today's workforce. John Wiley Sons. Fry, R., 2016. Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as Americas largest generation. Pew research center, 25. Gorczyca, M. and Hartman, R.L., 2017. The New Face of Philanthropy: The Role of Intrinsic Motivation in Millennials Attitudes and Intent to Donate to Charitable Organizations. Journal of Nonprofit Public Sector Marketing, pp.1-19. Kultalahti, S. and Liisa Viitala, R., 2014. Sufficient challenges and a weekend aheadGeneration Y describing motivation at work. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 27(4), pp.569-582. Rowe, M.K., 2017. Need Achievement Theory and Millennials.
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